ESG: Environment, Social, Governance

Recognising our responsibilities

The DBS Group of Companies recognize their corporate and social responsibilities including a commitment to sustainability by adopting the accepted definition of sustainable development as:

Development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”


“Improving the quality of life within the earth’s carrying capacities”

The DBS Group is committed to take into account sustainability issues in all our activities, products and the services that we provide including:

Promoting sustainable products and services

We will seek to offer sustainable products and solutions to our customers and encourage our customers to recognise the relevance of sustainability to us all.

Promoting sustainable consumption

We will consider the implications of sustainability when purchasing the goods and services that we use whether they be from suppliers, contractors or service providers.

We will furthermore ensure our people are aware of the implications that irresponsible consumption of those goods may have on local and world sustainability. 

Managing activities affecting climate change

Through our environmental policy we will manage those significant environmental aspects of our operations that can have an adverse effect on world climate.  We will furthermore promote an awareness of the significance of climate change to our people, our suppliers and our service providers.

Protecting natural resources

Through both responsible procurement and consideration of our everyday activities we will be aware of the effects that our organisation can have on the world’s finite natural resources.   

We will specifically control our use of such materials and manage our waste streams by adopting the principle of Eliminate – Reduce – Reuse – Recycle.

Sustainable communities 

 We will aim to meet the diverse needs of our people by promoting personal wellbeing, social cohesion and creating equal opportunities for all our people.

This policy is integrated within the company culture through the adoption of formal quality, health and safety, environmental and human resources management systems.

All employees are expected to co-operate and assist in the implementation of this Policy and must ensure that sustainability issues are given proper consideration in their day-to-day work

Our people

The DBS Group

Contact us to discuss your next project

01923 246381